Gooseberry and Elderflower Jam

900gms gooseberries, topped and tailed (nail scissors are useful for this)
600ml water
900gms granulated sugar
juice of 1 lemon (if the fruit is ripe and or has been frozen)

For every 450gms of under-ripened fruit use 300ml of water. Ripened or frozen fruit needs less water around 250ml per 450gm of fruit.

Place fruit and water in a heavy based pan and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for around 20 minutes until the skins are soft as they will not soften after the sugar has been added.

Add sugar at the rate of 450gm of sugar for every 450ml of fruit used. Stir, without boiling, until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and continue a rapid boil till the jam sets – this should be in around 15mins. Check after 10 mins to see if nearing setting point.

When set, remove from heat and remove any scum, add the elderflower cordial at the rate of a table spoon per 450gms of fruit, and gently stir through. Test for taste, it should be subtle taste, rather than strong. Do not add too much more as it could hinder the final set.

Rest the jam for a couple of minutes before filling and sealing the jars.

Cool then label.

Note: green gooseberries often go pink when cooked so the jam will have a lovely pink colouring

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